Your Pleasure is Your Power
Newsletter. 12/09/23.
Happy Saturday! 🥂
Today was a pretty cozy day for me, and very pleasurable indeed. It culminates a week spent thinking about pleasure and the ways in which I can infuse the sacred essence of eros into my most mundane days.
“When the spirit of the Lord moves upon my heart, I will dance like David danced” is one of my favorite gospel song lyrics because it speaks to the power of joy– our external expression of pleasure–as embodiment of our connection to God. You can listen to the song here!
When we dance, when we play, when we laugh–we are able to tap into the energy that helps us experience a bit of heaven on earth.
During the process of creating my painting, Dancing to the Rhythm of Expansion (pictured above) I was grappling with how to preserve my pleasure and joy while navigating the uncomfortable parts of my self-expansion. Growth is not easy, and it doesn’t always initially feel like something beautiful. So, how can we ultimately source pleasure from those moments of necessary, yet uncomfortable, change?
Spend consistent time in gratitude. The feeling of appreciation, of relishing the beautiful aspects of a single sh*tty moment? It can feel like pure alchemy. That is what takes us higher to the new levels we seek in life. Gratitude isn’t about instant magic, it is about a transformative mindset that reminds you of three vital things:
Your identity as a living, breathing embodiment of divine love and consciousness
Your infinite connection to all that is
Your ability to feel your way forward, as a natural born creator.
. . .
Feeling is the secret
'“Heaven is not a locality; it is a state of consciousness.”
-Neville Goddard, The Power of Imagination, “Your Faith Is Your Fortune”
I’ve realized (through trial and error) that gratitude is the most potent elixir to alchemize pain into pleasure, and suffering into bliss. The feeling of being grateful for elements of your condition postures you to receive even more of that which you are grateful for. If the universe is your personal chef, and the menu is divinely unlimited, then you get more of what you say “thank you, that was great” to.
I think the end of the year can be difficult sometimes, but gratitude lightens the load. As you begin to feel grateful for the present moment, you can shift to feeling grateful for all of the additional awesome experiences, people, and opportunities coming your way. Mastering the art of this energetic shift is a major key to a life well-lived.
There’s an amazing podcast episode I listened to earlier today, and I highly recommend you check it out. Titled “The Power of Acting As If,” I feel like it drives the point home.The podcast is called Art & Cocktails, and it’s hosted by a super inspirational artist named Ekaterina Popova.
In the meantime, here’s a reminder that the way you feel about a situation has the power to elevate it. And the way you choose to feel about yourself and your life has the power to transform you.
I’m sending you high vibes until next time!
Discover Your Divine Gifts & Build a Career Rooted in Purpose
The Brown University Office of Alumni Relations invited me to present this workshop to alumni participants as part of their December 2022 Career Initiative Series. As you begin to plan your ✨ level up ✨ for 2024, I believe this workshop will help!
check out the Alaere Academy Podcast!
The digital classroom of Alaere Lifestyle.
Available on Spotify & Apple Podcasts!